Thursday, July 29, 2010

Walking into a truism

A brief browser plugin issue with one of "my" power-users pushed the transitioning part of the application to a newer platform. Most days, owning the application that no one else wants to figure out can probably be considered a blessing. The downside, of course, is that no one has your back when you go spelunking in years-old code that's been the work of many hands. And it leaves you as the sole translator not only of the "how," but the "why" to boot.

Such brain-dumping, IMO, is the real reason for word processing--particularly when your brain's in firehose mode. It took two pages of twelve-point Times New Roman, multiple files open in the IDE, multiple tables and functions displayed in the database client, and the text search grinding (multiple times) through hundreds of pages of code before I remembered the adage, "If you truly wish to understand something, try to change it."

Ouch. It's not the first time that lesson's hit home for me. But usually it doesn't hit quite so hard. And knowing that I'm not nearly finished with that list only makes it worse.