Friday, July 23, 2010

Frivolous Friday, 07.23.2010: Conundrum

Not to talk of myself in the third person, but this recovering tech. writer had a bad moment earlier in the week. The Siding Dudes had swapped in a new window above the kitchen sink that day. On the counter I found an almost-neon red envelope boldly labeled "Installation Instructions." Kinda hard for Siding Dudes to miss while tidying up at the end of the day, but they somehow managed it.

At the time of the discovery, however, I wasn't aware that each replacement window (for this brand, anyway) includes such documentation. (Dennis had already found at least one other by that point.) So it was dismaying, nearly nine years after the career-change, to find myself unable to decide which of the two was actually the worse:

  1. The possibility that the contractors I'm paying handsomely to arm my house against Wisconsin weather are n00bs, or
  2. The fact that the envelope was still sealed.