Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Non scripta, non est

(For those who weren't pantsed--as I was--by two semesters of Latin, that basically translates as "If it's not written down, it doesn't exist.")

Backstory: Our formidable Sys. Admin. has been out the last few days--and, in his case, "out" translates to "not remoting in at bizarre hours." So the parts of "my" project currently entrusted to his capable hands are stalled in the "new" phase--which, in the lingua franca otherwise known as the office issue-tracker means "I can still plausibly pretend that this doesn't exist yet."

In the various dialects of interpersonal relationships, however, there are certain allowances made. SA juggles enough grenades that I know the score. Intellectually, at least. Sadly, it was only after my Inbox was carpet-bombed with updates from the issue-tracker that I actually had a sense of progress on those line items.

Highly illogical, as a certain First Officer might opine. But "reality" nevertheless. And I'm sure the First Officer in question could tell you all about the ways alternate realities and timelines can bite, yes?