Thursday, September 16, 2010

Rationalization--now with extra navel-gazing!

On one hand, I suppose the fact that I haven't had to mess around too much with the code in question in five years is a good thing. And the fact that some is still recognizably mine from as far back as 2002 is slightly better.

But, on the other hand...daaaaaaaang.

Now it's time for a major overhaul--and lemme tell you, they don't make enough whipped cream for that slice of humble pie! I wasted something between fifteen and thirty minutes chasing a "JavaScript" bug that had everything to do with the fact that I haven't used an "<input type="image"> tag (preferring <img> tags with onclick events) since something like 2003--so long ago I'd forgotten all about that option. (For the uninitiated, the former option uses an image to submit a form on a web page. On my web page, the upshot was that the form was being submitted twice.)

And, looking beyond the code itself to what it was trying to accomplish, I squirmed a little to find loose ends that should have been tied off at the first run.

Which, in aggregate, made it (momentarily) tempting to hang up the keyboard and look into other career options. Except for the fact that it's not 2002 and I would tackle this work much differently in 2010. Which, I trust, is a pretty reliable indicator of professional growth. Or so I like to tell myself.