Thursday, April 8, 2010


It doesn't happen often at all, but once in awhile I've had to (ahem!) "educate" someone that the lack of a software feature they want does not constitute a "bug." To my way of thinking, that distance between "lack of" and "broken" features closed a bit late yesterday.

The backstory is that I was about to explain to a user two different ways of doing the same thing in a web application, but fortunately had a blinding moment of good sense and logged in as her. I could have sworn that both roads to that feature had been left open to that particular user profile's permission-set, but apparently we had good reason to close it. In context, that's just silly, because if the user can change that data in one place, she certainly should be qualified to change it in the other.

So I'll fill out a (cough!) bug ticket and toss it on my "whenever" pile. Granted, this feature-lack hasn't been commented on in the three-plus years since this particular sub-system went live; it's doubtful anyone thinks of her/himself as cheated. But this web app. has been "my" baby for going on five years, and standards are standards. Even when recalibrated.