Saturday, December 11, 2010

My inner adolescent pays it forward

As a teen with a curfew and much put upon--or so I thought--by the expectation of playing by "adult" rules when my actual decision-making abilities were so curtailed, I probably more than once fantasized about smacking the next person who reminded me that I had control over my reaction to things. As I saw it then, I was only giving what I got.

My attitude's gone through a few different adjustments since then, though I still do not willingly suffer fools who mouth platitudes. But it occurs to me now that any business that provides goods and/or services in a consumer may well, thanks to the internet--particularly YouTube, Twitter and the like--find itself in much the same position. Governments, too, as we are again seeing as the ripples caused by Wikileaks continue to widen.

My inner fifteen year old is pleased, actually. But, then, we share a certain taste for karmic schadenfreude. [insert evil grin]