Tuesday, March 24, 2009

From the Web 2.0 lexicon

Like most of my vocabulary-builders, I ran across something "edifying" while looking up the precise definiton of something completely unrelated. In this case the serendipitous find was "facebookemon," courtesy of Urban Dictionary. For the record, I can boast 31 Facebook "friends" at the time of writing. No facebookemons in the lot, but, then again, that wasn't the point.

A friend once teased me something along the lines of "If you're not a social butterfly, what sort of social insect are you?" I shot back: "I'm a social spider: I prefer that people come to me." The resulting flurry of banter led to him being challenged to a duel involving live wombats ("First blood only, or ... mortal wombat?"). Wherein the "smackdown" (involving a single stuffed wombat) fizzled into a riff on Monty Python's "Dead Parrot" sketch. But that's another story.

Anyhoo. The the underlying point is that there are no "good" or "bad" social insects. You just need to know what degree of signal-to-noise ratio you can tolerate. Mine's surprisingly low--"surprising" in light of the amount of distraction I've learned to cope with. As Urban Dictionary.com could tell you, YMMV.