Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My Muse of Debugging, the water tap

There I was this morning, spinning my wheels trying to figure out why code I hadn't even touched--yes, yes, programmers all say that, but in this case it was really true--was no longer applying the filtering criteria just selected on the web page. The stream of consciousness flowed something like this:

  1. Grumblegrumblegrumble...
  2. Y'know, I might be a little thirsty...
  3. Pick up the coffee cup but it's empty...
  4. Now I feel a lot thirsty...
  5. But I've already had close to my limit anyway...should go get a glass of water instead...
  6. But I'm probably getting close to the answer. Let me just inspect the value of this variable, 'cuz it's just gotta be the problem child...
  7. No, no it's not.
  8. I'm still thirsty...
  9. But now I think I'm onto something...just let me check out this variable value...
  10. No--that's the value it's supposed to have...Grumblegrumblegrumble...
  11. Repeat Steps 5 - 10 more times that I care to admit.

Finally, thirst wins out and I head for the break room. I've barely stuck my glass under the water tap of the office fridge when I realize what the problem actually is. Fortunately, I still have enough wits about me that I don't forehead-smack with the glass in my hand.

Of course, let's not give the tap all glory: The coffee pot and the rest-room have been known to have remarkably similar effects. Now, if only the Muse of Stepping Back from Problems would stop by occasionally, it would be even better. But, somehow, I've never seemed to live along her route. Sigh.