Monday, January 11, 2010

Another popup message for the Rogues' Gallery

I don't think I'm telling stories out of school when I mention that work email is now being filtered by the strainer attachment Microsoft created for the Exchange server. Today I actually had to set up my account when system email that should have arrived in seconds took minutes and the spam filter was the prime suspect. As it turned out, the anticipated email was merely fashionably late, but I had logged in, nuked every possible spelling of "Viagra" you can imagine, and logged out to the following message:
To complete the log off process and prevent other users from accessing your account you must close all browser windows and exit the browser application. me wrap my brain around this: In a world in which the web browser is increasingly standing in for the operating system, I'm supposed to bring down every other web application because I'm worried that somebody might see my spam??!! For cryin' in yer beer, if my grandparents were alive today, not even the one born when Victoria was Queen would judge me by the contents of my spam filter. (At least not after a week on the internet.)

Yes, I know that dissing Microsoft is fashionable in the crowd I run with. Nor will the Redmond Leviathan find too many defenders among anyone who's met the Blue Screen of Death at a particularly inopportune moment. Even so, you can't deny that the attitude embodied by that popup message shows a stunning level of self-importance. Even coming from Microsoft, which routinely pawns off their anti-piracy software as a "security update."