Friday, January 8, 2010

Frivolous Friday, 01.08.2010: Marco meets the mall

Earlier this week, my husband and I had to meet at Valley View Mall to have passport photos taken. As expected, I arrived later than he said he'd be there, and was cooling my heels while another customer was being waited on. Husband was nowhere in site. As he'd forgotten to charge his cellphone, texting him to learn his whereabouts wasn't an option. But almost immediately, my purely adult annoyance with a spouse's forgetfulness was replaced with a more characteristic disappointment when I realized: "Awwwww, man...we totally could've played 'Mall Marco Polo' by text!"

In case you're not familiar with the original "Marco Polo," here's one version. When my sister and stepsisters and I played it, we didn't have the "fish out of water" nor the "mermaid" gotchas. Partly because my Dad & Stepmom's pool had toe-barking steps, "It" typically wore goggles and was allowed to open her eyes when under water. Additionally, players standing within less than an arm's length of "It" were not required to respond with "Polo."

Fast-forwarding ~30 years, the "rules" I imagined for the texting version would run something like this:
  1. "It," of course, does not have to close her/his eyes, but prowls the store at an an unobtrusive pace. When the other player comes into the line of sight of "It," s/he becomes "It" for the next round.
  2. Neither player is not allowed to leave the store.
  3. When "It" texts "Marco," the other player must stop and type their general location, e.g. "Housewares" or "Childrens." After the reply is sent, s/he is allowed to continue moving.
  4. To discourage cheating by hiding in fitting rooms (particularly by players of opposite genders), "It" may at any time text "Fitting room." If the other player has sequestered her/himself in a fitting room, s/he automatically becomes "It."
  5. After the turnover of "It,"the outgoing "It" is allowed a full minute to make it out of the line of sight of the new "It" before the next round begins.
It should go without saying that if you're old enough to be allowed a cellphone, you're old enough to know better than to be indiscreet. That is the foremost rule.