Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Something I hope you'll see (if you haven't already)

Because this involves my employer, I trust that the reader will understand that I can't go into much detail. But the aftermath of a conference call this afternoon was too interesting not to share. "Interesting" in the sense of watching the realization that we're jumping to the next level really sink in. That it's not all hand-wavy anymore. That it's not gonna be all glamorous. That there's no easy path back to the safe, familiar way of doing things. And that there's no other way to get what we've been shooting for.

It's tantamount to moving away from home, knowing that a younger sibling will be moving her/his boxes into "your" room (or part of a room) the minute the last of your boxes is loaded into the car. It's incredibly scary, and incredibly exhilarating. Not something that happens often in the life-span of an organization, so it's exciting as all get-out to witness.