Friday, October 9, 2009

Frivolous Friday, 10.09.2009: "SchadenFriday" limericks

The humorous "If error messages were haiku" email probably made it to your Inbox at some point. While I admire the spare and often lyrical beauty that is haiku, absolutely no form of poetry can top limericks for sheer snarkiness. Perhaps all bad news would sound better rendered in the loping meter of the limerick. To that end, here's a handful of tech-related schadenfreude:

Just now you're as mad as a Hatter:
The flash drive that backed up your SATA
Had Cheetos dust flushed
When it went through the wash
Which likewise scrubbed all your data.

Its details would be quite profound
In running this gremlin to ground.
Alas, IE6
Is back at its tricks:
Stating merely, "Object not found."

These slides you might want to re-do:
No amount of transitional glue
Could bind graphs and charts,
Pimped fonts and clip-art
With more bullets than World War II

When tracking a bug to its lair
Adds grey to a programmer's hair,
It's not the bug's kind,
But, rather, they find
It lodged between keyboard and chair.

Though far more artistic than lewd,
These photos of folks in the nude
Were not meant to thrive
On a networked hard drive:
Your career here's officially screwed.