Friday, January 16, 2015

Frivolous Friday, 2014.01.16: Lies programmers tell themselves*

"It would be easier to do this in pure SQL than in PHP/Ruby/.NET/Node/Scala/J2EE/Whatever."  (And vice-versa.)

Pizza is a vegetable.  Because tomato sauce.  Also, walking down the stairs to pay the delivery person counts as exercise.

"You know what would make this place more productive?  A ping-pong/foosball/air-hockey table!"

90% feature-complete == 90% done.

"But I'm only changing one little thing..."

Faster hardware makes everything better.

"No worries--we'll document everything first thing after the release."

Caffeine is a suitable replacement for motivation.

"It works/looks just fine in Chrome, so I don't need to check it in Safari."  (Also vice-versa.)

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a programmer writing Python in emacs must be a badass coder.

"Another 15 minutes of work and I can check this in and go home."

jQuery and Node make JavaScript a grown-up programming language. ;~P

"I can finish this over the weekend when there are no distractions." 

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* Shout-out to Dennis for a couple of ideas...and for confirming a few of mine.  Because, apparently, we're both pastmasters of self-delusion.  :~/