Friday, January 9, 2015

Frivolous Friday, 2015.01.09: You know it's cold in New Brunswick when...

I arrived home--laundry in tow--from a longer-than-usual Christmas holiday in Cheddarland to discover that the washing machine needed debugging.  Specifically, the flow of the cold water had slowed to a trickle, although water pressure was fine everywhere else in the house.

The local folks being (apparently) uninterested, I found a repair place in Moncton willing to venture out our way.  The deal was that they were supposed to phone Wednesday morning to arrange the actual appointment time.  So pretty much at the crack of ten a.m., the phone rang.  Dennis answered before I could reach it, and was thus conscripted into the role of local debugger.

After pulling out the washing machine, turning off the water, disconnecting the hose, and borrowing one of my screwdrivers to pull off the filter, it was discovered that the culprit was merely gunk in the filter.  (The hot water was not affected, it seems, because its gunk is likely residing in the heating tank.  Yum!)  A quick rinse plus a bit of manhandling (to un-mangle the filter that hadn't been cooperative about being removed) put all to rights.

No service call, no wasted resources.  Clearly, some folks will do almost anything to avoid climbing in and out of a truck on an especially uncongenial day...even for Canada.  Being what StackOverflow co-founder Jeff Atwood calls an "indoor enthusiast" m'self, I can't say as I blame him.