Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Paying a favor forward

I probably have at least half a year's worth of StackOverflow podcasts not yet listened to. I never developed the ability to write (code or prose) while someone else is talking, and I doubt I'll ever develop it. Thus I dropped behind the times, particularly the bit where the business model of Stack Exchange (the commercial offshoot of StackOverflow) changed. The upshot was some folks found themselves due to be evicted from the question and answer forum they'd originally rented from the Stack Overlords.

That includes the folks behind the librarian cartoon Unshelved, who are now recruiting folks with karma from other StackExchange forums. A librarian friend originally introduced me to Unshelved's programmer-themed cartoon cousin Not Invented Here. I've hearted NIH since the first strip--despite being not a little freaked out at the way Desmond's penchant for Hawaiian shirts, shorts and sandals so closely matches Dennis' late-spring-to-early-autumn wardrobe.

Alas, I have no karma of that coin to offer to the cause. So I am paying forward the tip for the comic by noising about the situation in hopes that one of my gentle--and karma-wealthier--reader would kindly come to Unshelved's assistance. I think we can safely trust librarians to be generous with their wealth of knowledge (and access to the same) when given the chance, yes?