Thursday, December 17, 2009

The invisible programmer

Yes, yes, yes: The stereotype says that we're supposed to be introverted and all that. And, in truth, there are days when it would be a relief to be able to lock myself and a laptop in one of the conference rooms, leave the phone off the hook, log out of IM, and feed the issue tracker's email address to the spam filter.

But that only works if whole point of the code in question is merely scratching one's own itch. Not that this is a trivial thing, mind: Just ask Steve Wozniak (the brains behind the original Apple PCs) or Linus Torvalds (the brains and charisma behind the Linux operating system). But anything written for other people, by definition, must involve them at some point. Partly for their real-world, prime-time criticism. Partly for the inventive ways in which they can abuse/break it. And especially for the always-surprising locations of itches.