Friday, December 11, 2009

Frivolous Friday, 12.11.2009: A silly-but-serious shout-out

As much I've been feeling a bit crispy around the edges, this post really goes out to the folks at work who are there when I stroll in, and are still slogging away after I schlep out. They vanquished today's deadline with the aplomb and tenacity that has become a commonplace miracle at the office. They are my lunch-box heroes. Again.

Signs You're Overdue for a Vacation
  1. You dial "9" to get an outside line...on your cellphone.
  2. You have to set a really freaky ringtone on your cellphone to remind yourself not to answer it with your "work" greeting.
  3. Coffee that's been sitting on the burner for an hour doesn't taste so bad at four in the afternoon.
  4. You and the cleaning staff know the names of each other's spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend/kids/pets/etc.
  5. The Tivo overfloweth.
  6. The four major food groups are: Pizza, Subs, Chinese take-out, and Caffeine. And not necessarily in that order.
  7. You find yourself looking forward to coming in on weekends, because they're so much more quiet than Monday - Friday.
  8. You start to log the time you spent working out a particularly nasty problem, then realize you did that in your sleep.
  9. The dog barks its "stranger danger" warning when you come home, but the cat's actually started to miss you.
  10. You see an ad for an interesting movie, and you instinctively guesstimate when you'll be able to catch it on DVD.
  11. When you do meet your friends, you have to remind yourself that they don't look like their Facebook/Twitter/MySpace/WoW avatars.
  12. You've racked up enough frequent flyer miles to qualify for a free trip to Mars.
  13. Your expense account & reimbursibles add up to more than your paycheck.
  14. The mini-fridge under your desk contains more food than the full-sized one at home.
  15. Showering fully clothed with laundry detergent in place of soap doesn't sound like such a crazy idea anymore.