- Leaders stake their credibility on their decisions, and abide by the consequences--expected as well as unintentional.
- Leaders understand the full-time balancing act between the man and the mission (to couch it in military terms).
- Leaders understand that giving subordinates responsibility without authority is not, by any stretch of fevered imagination, "delegation."
- Leaders get the truly useful information (a.k.a. the bad news) as quickly as (perhaps more quickly than) the good news.
- Leaders are not threatened by superior skill or raw brain-power, because they don't mistake either for leadership.
- Leaders keep a part of their brain reserved for what-comes-next while dealing with here-and-now realities.
I'm sure that the leader vs. manager dichotomy's been dissected to death (and the bones picked clean) over the years. I'm only leaving my own flogger-print on the proverbial horse-carcass because today I found myself staring down into the gulf that separates the two. Fortunately, our contact should be minimal.