Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Practical dreaming

I don't mean grand strategy dreams (e.g. Rev. Dr. King); these dreams are much, much more tactical in scope.

Normally, my subconscious is a tiresome flibbertigibbet. With a mean streak wide enough to land a fleet of space shuttles wing-to-wing. But occasionally it will be nice and take up the slack for my workaday mind. For instance, I once worked at a small newspaper, where the master copy was literally laid out by hand on a light-board. For months, I just could not wrap my brain around how the "old hands" managed to pack everything into the pages so neatly and economically. Until one night when I dreamed about laying out the newspaper. From then on, it all made perfect sense.

Last night I (like several classmates) was scheduled to give a short presentation on my semester project for the Java Games Programming class my husband and I took--mostly for giggles--at WTC. I must have been nervous, because I dreamed about being back on the college speech team--getting ready to compete at Nationals, no less. But when I woke up, the thought of getting up in front of my peers (plus a bunch of dressed-up important people who wouldn't know me from Eve) and demo'ing my blingy little game wasn't a big deal. Nor was it even at the time.

I've also written both computer code and poetry in my sleep--though, alas, was not able to recall enough to do any good after I woke. But from now on, I will keep any problem to be solved at the forefront of consciousness as I drift off. (Not actually trying to work it out, mind you, b/c that would just keep me awake.) As experiments go, there's really no downside. I mean, it's not like my subconscious mind could possibly get any weirder...