Saturday, April 18, 2009

Free invention idea

Here in La Crosse, it's the first not-already-spoken-for Saturday that's also warm enough to have doors and windows open. So the lion's share of today has gone to Spring Cleaning, with the lion coming back for seconds. Of course, the fact that Mom will be over tomorrow to belatedly celebrate Easter has nothing to do with that. Nope. Of course not. (What, you don't think that my patio door is always free of snotty little nose-prints at the kitty-level? [eyeroll])

But to the point. Cleaning the shower with sponge and Comet basically amounts to no more than an IOU to the glass doors, which desperately need a bath in (acidic) vinegar to dissolve the (alkaline) hard water scale. The problem is that there's nothing big enough to soak them in--not to mention that it would require gallons upon gallons of vinegar. Vinegar, of course, won't stay on a vertical surface long enough to do the job. So I'm wondering why in blazes someone doesn't sell a gel version of vinegar. Optimally, a gel version of vinegar that includes an ever-so-slightly abrasive agent, in the event that the scale is particularly stubborn.

I have absolutely zero interest in bringing a consumer/household product to market, and I wouldn't begin to guess how, even if I did. I do know that the scale removers on the market haven't done bupkis, but vinegar does the trick every time. So consider this a free idea, no royalty expected. I'll just be happy to buy the stuff at the supermarket. Optimally, before the next time Mom stays overnight.