Friday, July 8, 2011

"Frivolous Friday" postponed

A late start tonight, with a bunch of dishes to do, and--much more importantly, helping Dennis set up a demo. website on my Ubuntu laptop b/c setting up concrete5 on a Windows server has been giving him static all day.

By which I of course mean, seducing him over to The Light Side. ;-) He started installation sometime after 7 tonight, and the prototype of the new website is already looking snazzier than the hand-rolled HTML of its predecessor. I've been checking in (or responding to summons, as the case may be) since. As I write, he's feng-shui-ing the Wisconsin Honey Queen's home page. Muttering to himself like the character Milton in Office Space, I might add--albeit much more productively.

So the upshot is that tonight's post will be postponed until tomorrow. G'night and thanks in advance for the patience.