A late start tonight, with a bunch of dishes to do, and--much more importantly, helping Dennis set up a demo. website on my Ubuntu laptop b/c setting up concrete5 on a Windows server has been giving him static all day.
By which I of course mean, seducing him over to The Light Side. ;-) He started installation sometime after 7 tonight, and the prototype of the new website is already looking snazzier than the hand-rolled HTML of its predecessor. I've been checking in (or responding to summons, as the case may be) since. As I write, he's feng-shui-ing the Wisconsin Honey Queen's home page. Muttering to himself like the character Milton in Office Space, I might add--albeit much more productively.
So the upshot is that tonight's post will be postponed until tomorrow. G'night and thanks in advance for the patience.
Thoughts on computers, companies, and the equally puzzling humans who interact with them