Friday, April 29, 2011

Frivolous Friday, 04.29.2011: More dorky things I wonder about

Why isn't bubble wrap filled with helium to save on postage?

(And if bubble wrap were filled with helium, would it squeak instead of pop?)

Why are they called "zipped" files? (I mean, if your jeans compress you that much when you zip them, do some crunches, already!)

Would there be any cosmic fallout from buying a "Adam" tablet...and then an "Eve"...and then an Apple?

Why aren't vehicles made for the sake of conspicuous consumption (e.g. Hummers, Tahoes, etc.) engineered to run on printer ink (up to $8,000 per gallon) or--at the very least--Starbucks coffee?

(From the "Harry Potter" universe) If the genetic rarities of a Muggle-born (a wizard/witch born in a non-magical family) and a Squib (a non-magical child of a wizarding family) have children, what's the probability of the child turning out magical vs. non-magical?

Why doesn't the shiny spandex of superheroes' costumes made a tell-tale "zip-zip-zip" sound when they walk?

When a Jedi's weapon runs out of battery juice, is it considered a darksabre?

(And from the same universe) If the Sith are pure evil and know no law but their own will, why would they respect the "There can only be one master and one apprentice" rule?

Am I the only one who would only watch the royal wedding in hope that the archbishop would sneak in a "Princess Bride" riff?