Friday, April 22, 2011

Frivolous Friday, 04.22.2011: The Monty Python edition

As any geek worth their login could tell you, the near-toxic levels of coolness that come with being a software developer have...shall we say...downsides. Among them certain stereotypes. You know. Black turtlenecks. Hipster glasses. Mini-coops. The crushing fashion responsibility that comes with knowing the difference between a quotidian backpack and Tardis-on-your-back "urban-wear."

That sort of thing.

So I figured that, seeing what Chapman, Cleese, Idle, Palin, Gilliam and Jones did for the stifling stereotypes surrounding the profession of lumberjack, I could at least try to do the same for my own. (Fellow geeks: You're welcome.)

I didn't want to be a barista anyway.
I wanted to be...a programmer!
Leaping from gig to gig--and every platform fad that rolls through Silicon Valley!
Ruby on Rails!
LAMP stack!
Android Honeycomb!
The smell of fresh-pulled lattes!
The crack of Red Bull cans!
With my QA Team by my side, we'd sing! Sing! Sing!

[Music swells]

I'm a programmer and I'm okay,
I code all night, I code all day!

SysAdmin Chorus
She's a programmer and she's okay,
She codes all night and she codes all day!

I chunk out code, I unit-test,
I use a reposi't'ry!
On Fridays I refactor
But make the build bug-free!

SysAdmin Chorus
She chunks out code, she unit-tests,
She uses the reposi't'ry.
On Fridays she refactors
But makes the build bug-free!

She's a programmer and she's okay,
She codes all night and she codes all day!

I chunk out code, I drink cheap beer,
I like to watch NASCAR.
I put on studded leather,
And hang in biker bars!

SysAdmin Chorus
She chunks out code, she drinks cheap beer,
She likes to watch NASCAR.
She puts on studded leather,
And hangs in biker bars?!? [look at each other confusedly]

She's a programmer and she's okay,
She codes all night and she codes all day!

I chunk out code, wear combat-boots
And camo. for paintball!
I roll three hundred bowling,
And pwn the whole pool-hall!

SysAdmin Chorus
She chunks out code, wears combat-boots
And camo. for paint-- [chorus disperses, grumbling in disgust]

QA Team
[crying] Dude, srsly?! We thought you were so l33t! [storms off]