Saturday, June 26, 2010

My ally, the gremlin

For me, the good news was that this past Wed. was mostly heads-down, and I managed to clear the pressing stuff out of my path. The bad news for me was that this left all the niggling stuff. The stuff I wasn't looking forward to sending back to QA b/c I'd had to do such ugly Rube Goldberg tricks to make it work, and they'd find all the spots where I forgot to hot-glue the Tinker-toys to the Legos originally duct-taped to the Lincoln Logs. And then I'd realize that glue just isn't cutting it, and I need to refactor everything with baling-wire. Gack.

But, because it could no longer be avoided, I started unit-testing. The longer this went on without incident, the more annoyed/bored I became: What wasn't I thinking of...and how much more of this tedium do I have to inflict upon myself before I think of it? Then, at last, an error-message! Yippee! Like the hounds baying after their quarry, I was now on the hunt, attitude completely revamped.

In an odd sense, the gremlin was ally in the battle against boredom and the inertia that too many possibilities can spawn. But then I squished it. And then one of its relatives. And possibly another after that--I was kind of losing track by then, because I had my mojo back.

Moral of the story: The enemy of my enemy is my friend...until we run out of mutual enemies. Then all bets are off.