Friday, July 31, 2009

Frivolous Friday, 07.31.2009: Brought to you by the Crazy Idea Factory

So, I'm sitting at Peaberry's on its final day of business, thinking that what La Crosse needs is not yet another coffee boutique, but a Kinkos that serves coffee, sandwiches and offers wireless access. Not the caffinated equivalent of a bar, with music too loud to hold a conversation, but a place set up with dampers (such as call center cube farms use) to keep you in your own bubble. Heck, if the real estate's cheap enough--which it should be for some years to come in a lot of markets--why not throw in the conference room version of Japanese capsule hotelling for those who want even more quiet?

I mean, how many startups are all-but-launched in a Starbucks or Caribou Coffee or other coffee shop? Someone needs to find right business model for startup incubators disguised as coffee/copy shops and run with it.