Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A humbling thought for content creators

The end of an NPR segment--to which Dennis & I were tuned in on the way to see The Ladykins on Sunday--ended with a clip from Lady Gaga's "Born This Way" single. Serious as the segment's topic had been, I (naturally) couldn't help but smirk, thinking of Weird Al's send-up.

Exposing yourself to parody is, doubtless, a mark of character--but it's also a bizzare badge of honor in the music industry...at least to my way of thinking. But Dennis made a more sage point when he wondered aloud, "How many of the people he's lampooned are here and gone, and he's still around."

Ouch. For someone with pretensions to being a "content creator," that's more than a little sobering. (That despite the poetry/song filk that's whiled away any number of my Frivolous Friday evenings.) But in the unlikely event that writing superstardom awaits your faithful blogger, that's one problem worth having.